This article was written by Patricia Jones. The advent of the digital age has led to several innovations which will play a huge role in the future of international societ...
This month, Panoply is running an Instagram Data Challenge! The gist is, you can pull your own Instagram data into a Panoply database with a few clicks, make a visualiza...
Companies are ramping up their adopting of cloud-based Software-as-a-Service applications. Public cloud spending is expected to reach over $206 billion in 2019. Large ent...
Introduction Data scientists are the no. 1 most promising job in America for 2019, according to a Thursday report from LinkedIn. Hence, this comes as no surprise: Data sc...
Why should companies care about Digital Transformation? Yes, I know it appears as yet another technology-drunk buzzword, but what about Digital Transformation should ma...
Background When I was teaching a session on AI at an MBA program at the London School of Economics, I thought of explaining AI from the perspective of the life-cycle�...
Summary: In the literal blink of an eye, image-based AI has gone from high cost, high risk projects to quick and reasonably reliable. C-level execs looking for AI tec...
Last time, I posted Part 2 of a blog trilogy on data programming with Python. That article revolved on showcasing NumPy, a comprehensive library created in 2005 that ...
PREFACE This article has 4 sections: Introduction: Introduction to the gambler’s ruin problem Methodology: How the simulation will be carried out Pseudocode: Summar...
Majority of modern companies deal with processes which they want to be automated. This need can be caused by various reasons, in particular, due to the routine, repetitiv...