Machine learning is a hot topic in research and industry, with new methodologies developed all the time. The speed and complexity of the field makes keeping up with new t...
I introduce here a family of very peculiar statistical distributions governed by two parameters: p, a real number in [0, 1], and b, an integer > 1. Potential appli...
Continued fractions are usually considered as a beautiful, curious mathematical topic, but with applications mostly theoretical and limited to math and number theory. Her...
When Anthem first announced the breach of 80 million of its records, FBI spokespersons credited Anthem with responding only weeks after the attack started. Soon after, Br...
The Ugly Truth Behind All That Data We are in the age of data. In recent years, many companies have already started collecting large amounts of data about their business....
Continued fractions are usually considered as a beautiful, curious mathematical topic, but with applications mostly theoretical and limited to math and number theory. Her...
Imagine an advanced fighter aircraft is patrolling a hostile conflict area and a bogie suddenly appears on radar accelerating aggressively at them. The pilot, with the a...
By the time I graduated university four years ago, I sensed that maybe I had missed out on something by not fitting any computer science or coding courses into my sch...
Today’s business environment is as competitive as ever. With digital and brick-and-mortar businesses coalescing to create a comprehensive ecosystem of goods and service...