It’s a fact that we cannot live without our smartphones in the globalized world. Mobile has transformed the way we work and live. We do multiple things via our smartpho...
Did you ever wonder why linear regression plays an important role in statistics and machine learning? It is witnessed that linear regression is one of the most commonly a...
We live in a world driven by insights and decision making fueled by data and analytics. Information and technologies are so ubiquitous that no organization needs to be a...
By Dan Howarth and Ajit Jaokar, October 2019. 58 pages. CNN stands for Convolutional Neural Networks. Part 1 will introduce the core concepts of Deep Learning. We will al...
What is RPA? Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the utilization of programming with machine learning and AI capacities to deal with high-volume, repeatable tasks, and tr...
Introduction Will china dominate AI? When I spoke at the UK China business forum last month, I discussed this topic in response to an audience question. In the current cl...
This is an interesting data science conjecture, inspired by the well known six degrees of separation problem, stating that there is a link involving no more than 6 conne...
ERP. No other three letters can strike such fear into the heart of a CFO. But why is this the case? And what can leaders do to solve this problem? What is an ERP? First a...
As any good tradesperson knows, you need the right tool for the job. Just ask someone who’s used a screwdriver to assemble furniture how much they would pay for a power...
Machine Learning Practitioners have different personalities. While some of them are “I am an expert in X and X can train on any type of data”, where X = some algorith...