Summary: Data Scientists from share many lessons learned in the process of constantly improving their sophisticated ML models. Not the least of which is t...
As Kevin Lynch, CTO of The Information Lab in Dublin, was describing how his organization uses the Hypothesis Development Canvas, it occurred to me that Kevin was actuall...
Data Science continues to be a hot topic among skilled professionals and organizations that are focusing on collecting data and drawing meaningful insights out of it to a...
The article by Stefanie Glen in the November 30 DSC Newsletter is spot on! I am a 77-year old Data Scientist, and I have done my best work since I “retired” in 20...
At the time of writing, I’m a 52 year-old working in the fields of mathematics and data science. In mathematics, that makes me well-seasoned (and probably well-tenu...
Walking by the hottest IT streets in these days means you’ve likely heard about achieving Streaming Machine Learning, i.e. moving AI towards streaming scenario a...
Big Data is probably one of the most misused words of the last decade. It was widely promoted, discussed, and spread around by business managers, technical experts, and e...
Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. Use...
In the times when data is of extreme value, industries cannot afford to ignore it. The only right choice for them is to find new ways to use data for their benefit. These...
If X(1), X(2), …, X(n) are independent random variables, not necessarily with the same distribution, what is the variance of Z = X(1) X(2) … X(n)? It turns ou...