Mobile applications have already made a mark on the digital front. With a large number of applications already on the Google Play Store and Apple Store. There are applica...
Hadoop is an open-source framework that stores and process big data in a distributed environment using simple programming models. It is designed to scale up from single s...
Many executives struggle to make sense of machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL). Having a pragmatic relationship with technology, executives need to know on a very...
This article has discussed the following points, What does quantum supremacy mean? Some fundamentals to understand quantum supremacy. When we can say that quantum suprema...
Introduction What are trust and safety? What is the role of trust and security in the modern world? We often come across this word combination ‘Trust & Safety’ ...
I love maps. It’s not just a nerdy thing. Map are very helpful visualization tools for a lot of questions from business. Of course, there are number of standard BI tool...
Deep Learning an emerging branch of machine learning, has garnered a lot of recognition in the field of technology over the last decade. It is regarded as a game-changer ...
Generally speaking descriptive analytics is the process of making some sense or adding some structure to a data set, which at times can be very large. For this reason, mo...
I’m unsure if it is a common misconception, but I know I used to believe that the only thing needed to present findings from statistical analysis was a P-value less tha...
Summary: AML has been around since at least 2016 but only in the last year have Gartner and Forrester begun to offer their opinions. Here’s where we stand. This has...