This is a major contribution of analytics and big data when you talk about the success of mobile app development. Big Data is large data sets that can be analyzed to know...
Summary: This blog details R data.table programming to handle multi-gigabyte data. It shows how the data can be efficiently loaded, “normalized”, and counted....
To get a defining advantage over the competitors the banks, as well as other financial institutions must dig deep into technology breakthroughs. Luckily, Artificial Intel...
Software is always not only a set of instructions but also a context that manages, interacts and executes these instructions. At the start of developing, the engineer con...
While many of the programming libraries encapsulate the inner working details of graph and other algorithms, as a data scientist it helps a lot having a reasonably good f...
Machine Learning is a term heard around the world these days. Industries like Retail, Healthcare, and Manufacturing are taking the best out of it. So does the leaders in ...
Summary: Looking at the 12 hottest world-changing segments in the VC-funded world shows that AI will play a key role. Here’s a little more detail. From the inside o...
Python is widely praised. In 2019 its popularity increased by 4.2%. By stack overflow 2020 survey Python gets the 3rd most loved language after Rust and TypeScript. What ...
How voice payment technology works, how many people use it and is it really a revolution in banking that will change the future? Era of Connected Customers Have you heard...
What are the capabilities and advantages of Node.js and which applications definitely win with this technology? What is Node.js? Node.js technology is ten years old. It i...