This article was written by Matthew Mayo. Scikit-learn is the de facto official machine learning library in use in the Python ecosystem. As described on its official webs...
Blockchain technology has taken the IT world by storm. It has the potential to change the digital world completely, including the way businesses operate and make transact...
The Economic Value Curve is a measure of the relationship between a dependent variable and independent variables to achieve a particular outcome such as retain customers,...
Big Data is the one of the technologies you can hear everywhere right now. Powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning capabilities it could significantly imp...
Fermat’s last conjecture has puzzled mathematicians for 300 years, and was eventually proved only recently. In this note, I propose a generalization, that could act...
Fermat’s last conjecture has puzzled mathematicians for 300 years, and was eventually proved only recently, see here. Some people claim to have found elementary pro...
Hundreds of programming languages dominate the data science and statistics market: Python, R, SAS and SQL are standouts. If you’re looking to branch out and add a n...
Summary: Workforce forecasting and scheduling applications are rapidly upgrading their use of AI. Techniques of time series forecasting ranging from the simple Holt W...
News from Google. Across the web, there are millions of datasets about nearly any subject that interests you. If you’re looking to buy a puppy, you could find datasets...