At first glance, the Lognormal, Weibull, and Gamma distributions distributions look quite similar to each other. Selecting between the three models is “quite diffi...
Looking through the data available on the internet, reading news and listening to the last outcomes of the new coronavirus outbreak, decided to go moreover about this vir...
Taken from pangolins, it has been found that the virus cause of COVID-19 is a “curse of the pangolin”. The mammal Pangolin is hunted as game meat for both medicinal ...
Emergencies preparedness in public health response have been advised on 31st of December 2019 by the WHO China Country Office because of Cases of pneumonia of unknown eti...
Given that, as well as specified by the Order of Veterinarians, there is no possibility of infection transmission, of the novel COVID-19, from our pets; nevertheless our ...
Such technology as AI existed for years yet experienced a significant popularity boost just a few years ago. Today, it’s far from being a futuristic thing used by the e...
We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to address one of modern society’s biggest challenges – the choice between healthcare or the economy. For the past several ...
Did you ever wonder what’s a typical day of a data scientist like? A data scientist needs to explore data given to us and provide actionable insights, but how do we do ...
Summary: Since COVID-19 is occupying most of our thoughts these days, it seems appropriate to highlight where AI/ML is making a contribution to getting us out of our home...
Here are some (very) early outputs from an Agent-Based Model of COVID-19 that I’m currently developing. It allows configuring a number of parameters including: popu...