We must have read tons of literature on developing analytics models and finding information/insights out of data blob. Majorly this activity can run stand alone on your s...
Data Scientists worldwide are forecasting about COVID Mostly, they are doing excellent work. But still, most forecasts vary widely That’s not to say that they are inacc...
Many data scientists and epidemiologists have developed various models and predictions, mostly alarming ones. Here I discuss issues that make most of these analyses meani...
Martin Hughes, MBA Director for J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics at the National University of Ireland Galway, recently asked me to present to his MBA clas...
This article was written by Jim Frost. How do you compare regression lines statistically? Imagine you are studying the relationship between height and weight and want to ...
If you plug “statistics interview questions” into a search engine, you’re going to get hundreds of questions and answers. And if your interview is loomi...
While I was laid off due to the new Coronavirus, I created a computer application called Little Blue Pearl (LBP) – named after our planet. Although I was recalled a...
Trying to gain organizational alignment on the best path forward on a critical product or organizational decision is overly difficult. Product-centric, inside-out organ...