Planning is a path to success in business. Companies create a risk management strategy each time they begin a project because risks are an unavoidable part of any project...
For many organizations, data is a business asset thats owned by the IT department. Based on this data ownership model, theres limited access to data acros...
For all the photographers out there who havent mastered the art of the steady hand: this ones for you. Researchers at Duke University in North Carolina have appli...
So even before we put forward and present a case for AWS, why it should be used and most importantly the staggering benefits that come along, it is important to take a st...
Here some off-the-beaten-path options to consider, when looking for a first job, a new job or extra income by leveraging your machine learning experience. Many were offer...
The field of information technology loves to prove that the only constant is change. What intensifies the truth of this axiom is that we are living in the greatest perio...
Its no secret that when you seek trustworthy information on which to base your business and investment strategy, traditional and internal data sources, such as quarte...
For regular readers of the (lately somewhat irregularly published) The Cagle Report, I’ve finally managed to get my feet underneath me at Data Science Central, and ...
A round up of unusual applications of data science from recent academic journals, Four examples far outside the usual realm of finance, professional services, and IT. App...
In the last post, I discussed about augmented reality applications and their implications for AI In this post, I will discuss virtual realty applications I am very inter...