Did you know! Worldwide spending on blockchain solutions is expected to cross 15.9 billion dollars by 2023. 90% of U.S. and European banks are exploring blockchain soluti...
A lot has changed since last year due to the pandemic. Many of us started working from home, and the world experienced a rapid workplace transformation. Organizations an...
In this article, we will explore the Liskovs substitution principle, one of the SOLID principles and how to implement it in a Pythonic way. The SOLID principles entai...
Why Question-Answering Engines? The search only for documents is outdated. Users who have already adopted a question-answering (QA) approach with their personal devices, ...
Last week, I taught a cybersecurity course at the University of Oxford case. I created a case study for my class based on an excellent recent paper: Deep Learning-Based A...
Fixed point strategies can approximate infinite depth. The methods are easy to train/implement. This essential set of tools can model and analyze a wide range of DS probl...
Fixed point strategies give a unifying framework to analyze, model, and solve a wide range of problems. The methods are easy to train/implement, yet can approximate ...
Bigger is not always better for machine learning. Yet, deep learning models and the datasets on which theyre trained keep expanding, as researchers race to outdo one ...
Once upon a time, customers simply walked into stores and met a friendly shopkeeper who helped them out. No one hears you walking the halls of those buildings… not ...
Image recognition technology has transformed the way visual data is pooled and processed. It offers opportunities similar to the ones portrayed in science fiction movies ...