Fixed point strategies give a unifying framework to analyze, model, and solve a wide range of problems. The methods are easy to train/implement, yet can approximate ...
Bigger is not always better for machine learning. Yet, deep learning models and the datasets on which theyre trained keep expanding, as researchers race to outdo one ...
Once upon a time, customers simply walked into stores and met a friendly shopkeeper who helped them out. No one hears you walking the halls of those buildings… not ...
Image recognition technology has transformed the way visual data is pooled and processed. It offers opportunities similar to the ones portrayed in science fiction movies ...
The insurance industry is a late bloomer in adopting cutting-edge technologies. However, the rapid growth in the new-age technologies, such as AI, ML, blockchain, big dat...
The rise of IoT has offered telecom operators another chance to spring into action. If the telecom industry makes the most of IoT, availing the USP that edge computing an...
As Covid-19 continues to shape the global economy, analytics and business intelligence (BI) projects can help organisations prepare and implement strategies to navigate t...
Time is money. What if you lack both? Small business owners deal with a lot of work and dont have the resources to hire someone to do these tasks. Secondly, they are ...
7 Tips for Posting to Data Science Central from Kurt Cagle Posting to any kind of online site should be seamless, but seldom is. Like most community sites, Data Science C...
To repeat a commonly used adage, today every company is a technology company. Regardless of whether you are making computer chips or paper pulp, you are using techn...