Business intelligence has been making waves all over the world lately, especially in the business side of things. Organizations across all industries have it as a critica...
These Fourier series can be considered as bivariate time series (X(t), Y(t)) where t is the time, X(t) is a weighted sum of cosine terms of arbitrary periods, and Y(t) is...
A Classic Data Science Project and approach looks like this: Data Science (DS) and Machine Learning (ML) are the spines of today’s data-driven business decision-making....
NLP or Natural Language Processing in healthcare presents some unique and stimulating opportunities. It provides a glide through the vast proportion of new data and lever...
In this installment of the ModelOps Blog Series, we will transition from what it takes to build AI models to the process of deploying into production. Think of this as th...
Since technology has started disrupting the healthcare sector, innovations are included to follow a patient-driven approach. Recently, AI chatbots have been the new hue i...
Autocorrelation can ruin your regression analysis. How to spot autocorrelation in your data with visual tools and formal tests. Tips to remove autocorrelation. Autocorrel...
This is the first part of a 2-part series on the growing importance of teaching Data and AI literacy to our students. This will be included in a module I am teaching at...
Image Source: Pexels When the Covid-19 pandemic first hit, and a vast majority of the population was given the stay at home order by Prime Minister Boris Johnson....
Marketers are now using data-driven analysis and approaches to utilize accurate research data for their marketing campaigns. Not every data and its digging strategy is re...