The technical landscape is being transformed by artificial intelligence and robotics. Things that were once only a pipe dream are now a reality. From automated systems in...
“He who owns the information, owns the world.” This statement by Nathan Rothschild takes on a new meaning in our digital era. Today, a company can extract valuable in...
A study by New Vantage shows that 97.2% of its participant organizations are investing in big data and AI. Today, data has all sorts of benefits – from cutting down...
As a business, your ability to retain the market’s competitive edge requires you to balance the necessity and difficulty for new product development. It is where the ne...
In the post-AI and the future of autonomous systems, we saw that AI driven autonomous systems may take off independently of autonomous cars. Roboat from Amsterdam is one...
Enterprise machine learning deployments are limited by two consequences of outdated data management practices widely used today. The first is the protracted time-to-insig...
The creation of a DigitalTwin knowledge graph data model confronts the need for access to measurement data in order that the DigitalTwin can create timely performance met...
Why IntelligentGraph? IntelligentGraph adds analysis capability embedded within RDF graphs. At present calculations are either delivered by custom code or spreadsheets. T...
Question: Do you know which of your data sources are most valuable to the business? A recent paper by PwC titled “Putting a value on data” raised the “Spectre” (�...
In the lingo of artificial intelligence, subjecting the machine learning models to real-world environments wherein they can act on the real-world data and generate the pr...