Chief Data Officers (CDO) and Chief Data Analytics Officers (CDAO) are under intense pressure to find ways to “monetize” their growing volumes of data. While some org...
Back in 2014, Gartner placed the field of prescriptive analytics at the beginning of the ‘Peak of Inflated Expectations’ in their Hype Cycle of Emerging Technologies....
I was hanging around the LinkedIn water cooler the other day, just minding my own business, when I came across this very interesting graphic (Figure 1) from Brent Dykes t...
In today’s data-driven reality, data warehouses are becoming increasingly crucial for companies in all sectors. Yet despite the hours and cash poured into them, some 8...
Artificial Intelligence has a long history of oscillating between two somewhat contradictory poles. On one side, exemplified by Noam Chomsky, Marvin Minsky, Seymour Paper...
Its that time of the year and while I do not like predictions, I think there is one which I want to talk about It’s a bit specific so needs some context From an AI stan...
A labyrinth is a structure in the inner ear. The use of the term labyrinthology might sometimes relate to this part of the human anatomy. Alternatively, some people t...
A new study evaluates ML models that classify fake news from fact. The best models can only achieve up to 77.2% accuracy. AI will probably never be able to fully repla...
The benefits of 5G – delivering super-fast, low-latency broadband to consumers, wirelessly, wherever they are – promises to revolutionise the way we interact with one...
Manufacturing Line, Wikimedia Commons, 2014 Fakery certainly isn’t limited to news and social media. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) e...