I explain here how to do it in Excel. But the principle is general. You can produce this type of visualization with other tools. There are many features in Excel that all...
Why do data silos, and now analytic silos, continue to exist? It can’t be due to technical issues. Data silos appeared in the 1990s when we were trying to m...
Application integration and data integration are approaches taken by organizations to utilize data from different systems, but they meet different needs. They are the two...
New study highlights key metrics for measuring trust. Web 2.0 trust issues will bleed over to the metaverse. One solution is the change how we measure trustworthiness. Ar...
In a week when privacy is very much on the agenda, we ask how can we protect AI models. This is already a mature field but still not on the radar of most developers...
Big data is all over the place! and it has the ability to provide us with far more than we expect. Be it: A hospital that gathers information in order to assess spe...
Three inspirational articles from Nikko Ström about Symbolic AI [1], Melanie Mitchell about AI-based Understanding [2] and Yoshua Bengio about the Conscious Prior [3], h...
ABSTRACT This paper discusses techniques for merging data files where no key field exists between the files. The paper will illustrate an approach to resolve two issues t...
There’s no question that bad data hurts the bottom line. Bad customer data costs companies six percent of their total sales, according to a UK Royal Mail survey. The ...
Quite a few decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) have crashed and burned since 2015 when Ethereum was launched and “smart” contracts (self-executing agreemen...