Data representation using graphics such as charts, plots, infographics, heat maps, bubble clouds, scatter plots, mekko charts are referred to as data visualization. Such ...
Co-working spaces have existed for some time now it offers convenient amenities who work in a more conducive environment. Following the CDC guidelines, incorporating QR c...
IoT has been a popular topic for a while now. It is only sensible to learn and train if you want to begin a profession in this area. And what better approach is there to ...
What’s the value of my data? Today’s most critical question to which every organization should know the answer still goes unanswered in an age where the world’s mos...
Introduction In this post, I discussed the architecture of digital twins. This is a relatively new and emerging topic, and here I will look at Azure Digital Twins as an e...
Water is the most abundant asset that humans have. We all use water to survive; it’s also vital for keeping our environment clean. Water provides life and substance...
Gaming has moved from a niche sector to the mainstream. Games have become a part of everyday lexicon like never before, and the technological progress evident within game...
Introduction Portable radio communication devices like walkie-talkie radios have supported security services for ages. Radio communication first gained traction during Wo...