FAIR Data Forecast interview with Tammy Lee of CultureCreates In 2015, Tammy Lee and Gregory Saumier-Finch co-founded CultureCreates, a for-profit semantics technology ag...
Sometimes you start a blog with a hypothesis in mind, and then that intention changes as you research and realize that your original idea was wrong. Yep, this is on...
Like many managers in the corporate world, until recently I thought you should not use these tools. The common theme is that it’s for small projects or classroom pr...
Machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been receiving a lot of public interest in recent years, with both terms being practically common in the IT la...
Back in the 2000s, a mentor of mine often quoted then-CEO Scott McNeely of Sun Microsystems (now part of Oracle), who said, ”There is no privacy. Get over it.” My men...
The demand for energy continues to rise globally, while the world is searching for cleaner and more efficient energy sources. Fusion energy is one of the most promising o...
There has been much talk of ethics in AI recently. Some enterprises and vendors and consultants have talked of the need for a chief AI ethics officer. On the face of it, ...
This is the final (?) blog on the series of how technologies like AI and ChatGPT are fueling a fundamental transformation of our educational systems and institutions.&nbs...
Introduction Java Concurrency API is a set of Java packages and classes developed to create multi-threaded applications. It was introduced in Java 5 and is aimed to make ...
We humans love it when we use any application on one device, leave some actions unfinished, and use another device logged into the same account and continue the same thin...