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Role Of AR/VR Technology In The Future Of eLearning

  • BhupinderKour 


The eLearning industry is already surging on today’s words and finding ways to enhance the learning experience through leading technologies that are loved by many. Recently eLearning has embraced AR/VR technology which has changed the whole dynamics of what learning is. With this technology, people can learn with ease, without any distraction and can bring more variation in the learning skills of individuals.

AR/VR technology has already made its mark into the gaming world and now users are more than happy. eLearning professionals too can change the world through this edge-cutting technology. Let’s look into 10 ways AR/VR will impact the future of eLearning.

But before that let’s take a close look into this technology.

What Is AR/VR Technology

Virtual reality makes you believe that you are somewhere else by giving you lifelike experience through your smartphone or headset. This technology grips you and it takes you to a different experience which can be 360-degree different space or something which just has stuff lying around. You may believe that your world is a virtual world. VR overpowers your surroundings completely, this is the powerful ability of this technology.

Whereas, Augmented reality adds more virtual elements to the physical world to enhance your experience. With AR devices that can be your phone’s camera as well lets you see things around you after accessing your whole environment through a smart glass. Games like PokemonGo are the best examples of the use of AR technology as this game tracks your surroundings and adds its own element in a realistic 3D way.

These two technologies complement each other in many ways. While VR completely changes reality, AR adds more to it. Now let’s decipher how this technology can benefit the eLearning sector.

How AR/VR Will Fuel eLearning In The Coming Future

Many AR VR development companies have come forward to enhance the experience of eLearning. Various improvements in voice recognition by apps provided by these development companies are clearly winning the game and according to a report, revenue for AR/VR educational software will grow by $700 Million in 2025.

  • Will Enhance Engagements

This technology will surely engage people who want to learn something with a different approach. Not only this, but technology can also enhance the cognitive skills of individuals and make them quickly grasp difficult information without any hassle. Even a few of the studies justify these statements. In order to acquire knowledge, people should be interested and this technology right here can make sure that the learners are glued forever.

  • Better Collaboration Together

Due to tech barriers, online learners are not able to experience a few of the learnings that they could have physically get in the class but through the introduction of AR/VR, peers can all come together and have discussions as if they are really sitting together. This technology can ensure holistic development and instill the basic need of doing projects together and work as a team. With 3D models, this experience can work as a cherry on the cake.

  • Enhanced and Highly Immersive  Gamification Experience

This technology has done wonders in the gaming industry but what if little elements from that industry can be put in the eLearning sector? Through this achievement, online learners will take more interest in their course and receive rewards that are real incentives. These incentives can be then used by them anytime and motivate them to perform better so they are able to achieve more.

  • Job Training Can Be A Thing

Job training is already one of the courses that are taught worldwide but training where an online learner is able to virtually hold the object and learn is very different. With AR/VR this is highly possible and will change how job training was earlier given. This technology will help learners to be well furnished with tasks beforehand as it is being applied by them practically. For example, Walmart uses VR technology to equip their employees with problems they might face during crowds in the store.

Coming To A Conclusion

AR/VR will be a blessing for the eLearning sector and will provide learners with more than just education, it will also give them an experience which they will carry forever. This is a very popular consumer technology that is a flourishing market in every sector but will completely change the face of eLearning and it is going to happen very soon.

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