In this current Fourth Industrial Revolution, Robotic Process Automation (rpa) is one of the key technical elements that is driving growth in business productivity, work efficiency and process flow enhancement.
As per Grandview research, RPA industry is expected to reach $3.11 billion by 2025. RPA is liberating humans from monotonous work, offering more engaging employment and companies a competitive edge.
And according to the Intelligent Operations report, the worldwide RPA adoption by Human Resources is 8% on Full scale and 17% on implementing/using RPA actively.

For businesses of all types, wanting to make the most of Robotic Process Automation, it is essential that they start by understanding their processes and ‘dark data’, simplifying processes and automating the processes that can be automated while ensuring proper controls are in place. They often begin in business functions such as finance, human resources or sales lead handling.
RPA For HR: How it is helping in reinvention?
In general, HR managers play a crucial role in supporting, organizing employees and enhancing the workplace environment so that the employees perform their jobs much effectively.
But, given the huge amount of data gathering, checking, updating, validating, form filling, and request processing which means HR managers are shifting their whole focus for admin tasks.
In this scenario, RPA can help in dramatically compressing the processes by automating the most repetitive tasks and get HR’s back to focusing on what’s most important for a global company’s growth.

Companies know that they must go digital, but they lack proper consultation towards RPA which is probably the fastest path to digital transformation and one of the most efficient and effective.
It’s no doubt that these software robots are going to ease the HR processes in their own way. From Onboarding to Offboarding a candidate, there involve several processes that can be simplified with the help of RPA.
Here are some of the key processes that can be automated:
Enhanced Onboarding With RPA
If a new candidate accepts the job offer, a new user account, an email address, access rights for applications, systems, and all the required IT equipment has to be provided based on the candidate profile.
This process requires the involvement of many teams to get things done on time. A completely equipped employee on day one is becoming a non-existing thing.
RPA is here to help HR professionals by automatically triggering the predefined onboarding workflow where the software robot can even send out predefined onboarding documents to the new joiners.
Employee Data Management
HR’s need to update and maintain a lot of data of current, previous and new employees, job applications and their statuses, compliance and regulatory requirements, payroll and benefits no matter the size of the organization.
There are many tasks that require manual data entry, updating, and maintenance across multiple database management systems.
From the very first day, RPA helps in ensuring that the complete employee data from initial record creation to exit is maintained and distributed across seamlessly by the predefined workflow easing the burden of HR’s
Travel and Expense Management:
This is one of the key elements that HR’s look after. HR’s will be messed up with the manual processes of Travel and Expense management mostly due to missing receipts, out-of-policy-spends, late expense submissions, error-prone spreadsheets, and poor visibility into the reason for the spend.
No wonder that these are the reasons for compliance issues, late payments and a lack of satisfaction for all parties being involved in the process.
RPA software is capable of approving genuine expenses with a rules-based procedure to identify the type of invoice submission. The software processes the claim after ensuring that it’s in line with compliance requirements.
RPA is a promising new development in business automation that offers a potential ROI of 30–200 percent — in the first year: McKinsey
Exit Management:
If an employee exits, No matter the reason, HR professionals ensure that the off-boarding process happened in a friendly and consistent manner.
From revoking the access to all the systems to collecting the company assets, generating exit documents and generating Full and Final settlement after verifying all the necessaries involves the possibility that HR may go wrong with data which may lead to a rise of an audit flag.
RPA can be implemented for a better and well organized off-boarding process by predefining each of the processes involved.
The software bot captures all the details from the Full and Final Report and updates in the Finance Application and validates if all the mandatory information is there else sends an e-mail to the concerned department for updating.
In the same way, once received from the concerned department, the bot emails to the employee and awaits the response. If the employee has no issues, it will end the process by sending it for finance department approval and then to the bank for payment processing.
How Technovert can help:
Technovert’s RPA Services can support you with the challenges your HR department is facing, make the processes easy and deliver quality for your business while liberating employees from most mundane tasks.
Our experienced RPA engineers and business professionals bring in a novel mix of expertise and an incredible depth of knowledge in RPA to help you implement RPA processes in your business.
In Order to stay Inline, Businesses need to be always open to adopt new and innovative technologies that help them in driving growth. Robotic Process Automation is one such tech solution helping businesses to grow. Especially for Human resources, RPA is allowing HR’s to focus much on employee experience and company culture rather than hooking up themselves to the same repetitive and mundane tasks.