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How Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Education


AI has transformed a host of fields including engineering, medicine, finance, and now it is innovating education.

Modern education systems will leverage Artificial Intelligence at every step. The trend has already begun with AI-based EdTech storming the market.

The global pandemic has further accelerated this change and transformed how we teach and learn. The uptake of e-learning platforms has increased. Online learning has become a routine. E-Learning is proving itself most apt for the adoption of lifelong learning.

We investigate how AI and ML will impact traditional education and understand the aspects of education that artificial intelligence is set to change.

AI: Journey from zero to hero

AI has been a part of our lives in some form or the other. From basic google search to Alexa and Siri as our personal assistants, AI tech has changed by leaps and bounds and so has our lives with it.

The future belongs to robots assisting us in our everyday lives. With such a large-scale and deep impact of AI in human life, education can’t be left behind. How will AI impact education? Let’s look.

Modern Education System with AI

AI change is already happening in the education systems around the world. Further research is also underway as to how AI can further augment teaching and learning to bring great impact on education in society.

From building robust academic programs for educators (teacher training) to providing personalized assistance to children, AI can do a whole lot. These are the few aspects of education that are already being reshaped by AI technologies.

·  Curriculum Content Curation

Creating content for teaching and training takes a significant portion of teachers’ and experts’ time. Artificial intelligence can create secure and even personalized content that is free of errors and of top-quality.

What’s more? Not just in ebooks format, but also audio and other formats. AI can be leveraged not only to teach students but also to build the right content for educating leaders. One that encompasses the best practices in teaching.

In this era of flexible learning, create content with AI that will help learners learn at any time, anywhere.

·  Personalized Mentoring

One of the biggest challenges of traditional education has been its inability to give personalized attention to every kid. Every child is different – with different needs and abilities. While most fundamentals can be learned in a conventional way, the pace differs. This is where AI comes in.

Based on the student’s ability, AI will handle classes accordingly – testing at every stage if the student has grasped what is being taught.

AI as mentors can help teachers be available for every child and understand their individual challenges and potentials.

·  Augmented Reality

AR can truly be a step toward innovating education. It can take retention levels to the highest. It would help students experience the real-world virtually, instead of learning theoretically about it.

From exploring old civilizations to understanding autonomy, AR can increase understanding. One such method that uses the same principle is Hologram. Many institutions are already working on bringing this tech to reality.

·  Virtual Assistants

Alexa and Siri are household names now. Imagine a similar medium for education only. Virtual assistants have all the information – so anything you ask; they will be able to answer.

Taking this one step ahead would be bot teachers, where a robot would replace teachers for basic teaching. It can solve scalability issues in education and take it within the reach of every student around the world.

Teachers and education leaders globally – as many as 99.4% – unanimously say that they will implement AI in some form or the other within their institutions. What shape it will finally take?

A possible future can be shaped with AI for innovating education systems and nothing is out of reach. 3D learning. Robot teachers. You name it. Are you ready for it?

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