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Good source of coding puzzles for programming interviews


Here is a paper which gives a set of coding puzzles which could be useful for technical interviews in data science.

The paper introduces a new type of programming challenge called programming puzzles, as an objective and comprehensive evaluation of program synthesis, and release an open-source dataset of Python Programming Puzzles (P3).

Each puzzle is defined by a short Python program f, and the goal is to find an input x which makes f output True.

Paper: https://bit.ly/3cQcSFj
Problems: https://bit.ly/2THhBCd
Dataset: https://bit.ly/3zAjLEg

Thanks to Dennis Bakhuis (where I say the paper as a LinkedIn post)

List of puzzles is as below


  • Quadratic Root
  • All Quadratic Roots
  • Cubic Root
  • All Cubic Roots


  • Sum Of Digits
  • Float With Decimal Value
  • Arithmetic Sequence
  • Geometric Sequence
  • Line Intersection
  • If Problem
  • If Problem With And
  • If Problem With Or
  • If Cases
  • List Pos Sum
  • List Distinct Sum
  • Concat Strings
  • Sublist Sum
  • Cumulative Sum
  • Basic Str Counts
  • Zip Str
  • Reverse Cat
  • Engineer Numbers
  • Penultimate String
  • Penultimate Rev String
  • Centered String


  • Eight Queens Or Fewer
  • More Queens
  • Knights Tour
  • Uncrossed Knights Path
  • UNSOLVED_Uncrossed Knights Path


  • Towers Of Hanoi
  • Towers Of Hanoi Arbitrary
  • Longest Monotonic Substring
  • Longest Monotonic Substring Tricky
  • Quine
  • Rev Quine
  • Boolean Pythagorean Triples
  • Clock Angle
  • Kirkman
  • Monkey And Coconuts
  • No Colinear
  • Postage Stamp
  • Squaring The Square
  • Necklace Split
  • Pandigital Square
  • All Pandigital Squares
  • Card Game
  • Easy
  • Harder
  • Water Pouring
  • Verbal Arithmetic
  • Sliding Puzzle


  • Is Even
  • Abbreviate
  • Square Tiles
  • Easy Twos
  • Decreasing Count Comparison
  • Vowel Drop
  • Domino Tile
  • Inc Dec
  • Compare In Any Case
  • Sliding One
  • Sort Plus Plus
  • Capitalize Firs tLetter
  • Longest Subset String
  • Find Homogeneous Substring
  • Triple
  • Total Difference
  • Triple Double
  • Repeat Dec
  • Shortest Dec Delta
  • Max Delta
  • Common Case
  • Five Powers
  • Combination Lock
  • Combination Lock Obfuscated
  • Invert Permutation
  • Same Different
  • Ones And Twos
  • Min Consecutive Sum
  • Max Consecutive Sum
  • Max Consecutive Product
  • Distinct Odd Sum
  • Min Rotations


  • LZW
  • LZW_decompress
  • Packing Ham


  • Oscillators
  • Spaceship


  • Nim
  • Mastermind
  • Tic Tac Toe X
  • Tic Tac Toe O
  • Rock Paper Scissors


  • Nash
  • ZeroSum


  • Conway
  • Any Edge
  • Any Triangle
  • Planted Clique
  • Shortest Path
  • Unweighted Shortest Path
  • Any Path
  • Even Path
  • Odd Path
  • Zarankiewicz
  • Graph Isomorphism


  • Bi Permutations
  • Optimal Bridges
  • Checkers Position


  • Exponential Coin Moves
  • No Relative Primes
  • Find Repeats
  • Pick Near Neighbors
  • Find Productive List
  • Half Tag


  • Learn Parity
  • Learn Parity With Noise


  • Fermats Last Theorem
  • GCD
  • GCD_multi
  • LCM
  • LCM_multi
  • Small Exponent Big Solution
  • Three Cubes
  • Four Squares
  • Factoring
  • Discrete Log
  • GCD
  • Znam
  • Collatz Cycle Unsolved
  • Collatz Generalized Unsolved
  • Collatz Delay
  • Lehmer


  • Birthday Paradox
  • Birthday Paradox Monte Carlo
  • Ballot Problem
  • Binomial Probabilities
  • Exponential Probability

    Image source walmart jigsaw puzzle

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