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Google's Knowledge Graph Identifies your Medical Symptoms

This article was written by Lance Whitney.

An update to Google’s mobile app and website lets you search for symptoms and receive a list of possible conditions and other details. You can now ask Google to help diagnose what ails you.

Google’s mobile site as well as its iOS and Android apps introduced a feature that aims to track down information on medical symptoms. Instead of having to search for a condition, you can search for a certain symptom, such as “my stomach hurts.”


In response, Google provides an overview of potential conditions, possible treatments, directions on how to get more information online and which type of doctor may be able to help.

When you search for medical ailments, Google typically points you to specialized sites such as WebMD, the Mayo Clinic and Medline Plus. But you sometimes have to cull through pages and pages of information to get what you seek. Finding and viewing all the information in one single place can simplify your search.

To build the new feature, Google put together a list of symptoms found in search results, everything from “headache on one side” to “bruise around eye” to “lower back pain.” Google then checked those symptoms against medical information gathered from doctors for its Knowledge Graph, an advanced feature that tries to deliver and display a more comprehensive collection of data.

The results of your symptom search then pop up in a single “condition” panel, so all the information is in one spot. And for the new feature, Google called in some doctors.

To read the full original article click here. More on Google Knowledge Graph, here

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