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GDPR and AI – strategies and options in a nutshell


I had the pleasure to meet @KirkDBorne last week and participate in a panel moderated by Kirk – Decoding #GDPR, #IoT, and #UX in the #BigData world: discussing #AI #MachineLearning #DataSecurity at the @BigDataWorld_  / Security of Things organized by @closerstill1. On the panel were also @maratsoumari @clurr and @Maren_Lesche

I was discussing GDPR and AI. This post presents my personal views. Note I could not discuss all of the below due to time constraints. I also conduct a new course on AI/Deep Learning applications where I discuss these strategies

GDPR essentially consists of four things

  • Explicit consent.
  • Right to be forgotten.
  • Data portability.
  • Algorithm transparency

Depending on how its interpreted, the last item may make AI potentially illegal because it includes elements such as

         a) Providing meaningful information about the logic involved to customers

         b) Explaining significance and consequences of the choice / strategies/ algorithm

         c) Right to human intervention on a decision if requested

So, what could we do about it?

Have I missed any strategies?

On a more practical front, I think businesses will take the approach of preparing and documenting metadata including the inputs, outputs and the model to provide a degree of explainibility

I discuss these ideas in the new course on AI/Deep Learning applications  

Image source ico

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