
Book on Computer Programming

Data scientists use a range of tools in their work and some of these eventually require programming. This book, titled The Art and Craft of Computer Programming, is a guide to computer programming. It does not focus on a specific programming language, but instead contains the essential material from a first year Computer Science course. The book is available from Amazon.com.



1. Prelude 5

2. Program Structure 6

2.1. Procedural Languages 6
2.2. Declarative Languages 17
2.3. Other Languages 20

3. Topics from Computer Science 21

3.1. Execution Platforms 21
3.2. Code Execution Models 26
3.3. Data structures 29
3.4. Algorithms 44
3.5. Techniques 66
3.6. Code Models 85
3.7. Data Storage 100
3.8. Numeric Calculations 116
3.9. System Security 132
3.10. Speed & Efficiency 136

4. The Craft of Programming 157

4.1. Programming Languages 157
4.2. Development Environments 167
4.3. System Design 170
4.4. Software Component Models 180
4.5. System Interfaces 184
4.6. System Development 191
4.3. System Design 170
4.4. Software Component Models 180
4.5. System Interfaces 184
4.6. System Development 191
4.7. System evolution 210
4.8. Code Design 217
4.9. Coding 233
4.10. Testing 262
4.11. Debugging 275
4.12. Documentation 285

5. Appendix A – Summary of operators 286


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