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Free Book: Probability and Statistics Cookbook

The format is very similar to a BIG cheat sheet. This cookbook integrates a variety of topics in probability theory and statistics. It is based on literature and in-class material from courses of the statistics department at the University of California in Berkeley but also influenced by other sources . 

Free Book: Probability and Statistics Cookbook


  • Distribution Overview
  • Probability Theory
  • Random Variables
  • Expectation
  • Variance
  • Inequalities
  • Distribution Relationships
  • Probability and Moment Generating Functions
  • Multivariate Distributions
  • Convergence
  • Statistical Inference
  • Parametric Inference
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Bayesian Inference
  • Exponential Family
  • Sampling Methods
  • Decision Theory
  • Linear Regression
  • Non-parametric Function Estimation
  • Stochastic Processes
  • Time Series
  • Math

For a detailed table of content and to access the book, click here

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