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Email Spam Filtering : A python implementation with scikit-learn

This article was written by ML bot2 on Machine Learning in Action.

Text mining (deriving information from text) is a wide field which has gained popularity with the huge text data being generated. Automation of a number of applications like sentiment analysis, document classification, topic classification, text summarization, machine translation, etc has been done using machine learning models.

Spam filtering is a beginner’s example of document classification task which involves classifying an email as spam or non-spam (a.k.a. ham) mail. Spam box in your Gmail account is the best example of this. So lets get started in building a spam filter on a publicly available mail corpus. I have extracted equal number of spam and non-spam emails from Ling-spam corpus


We will walk through the following steps to build this application :

1. Preparing the text data.
2. Creating word dictionary.
3. Feature extraction process
4. Training the classifier

To check out all this information, click here

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