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DSC Weekly 28 May 2024


  • Cyberattacks are an unfortunate problem for digital business, targeting small companies to the largest enterprises. As digital infrastructure expands and more sensitive information is stored online, security risk management needs must go beyond prevention to ensure the organization has full visibility of their digital environments and can address incidents in real time. Join our upcoming summit to learn A Holistic Approach to Endpoint Detection and Response to get practical EDR strategies to bolster your security strategy. You’ll learn how the principle of least privilege, IoT security and telemetry helps protect your endpoints, and receive advice for using advanced forensics and AI-powered investigations to speed response times.
  • As cloud use continues to expand, proper management, monitoring and security is critical to ensure organizations are gaining the most benefit. Organizations navigating digital transformation initiatives know the cloud is a major playing ground for emerging technologies related to cloud migration, cloud security and containerization. Tune into the Managing Hybrid and Multi Cloud Environments Summit to hear leading experts in the field discuss the latest strategies for monitoring complex cloud environments, preventing cyber attacks and security breaches via the cloud, and how to integrate the latest technology trends into cloud usage.

Top Stories

  • Brain science: Mind mechanism of AI safety, interpretability and regulation
    May 28, 2024
    by David Stephen
    The basis of how the human brain works is conceptually the mechanism of the mind—which is the electrical and chemical signals of neurons, in sets, with their interactions and features. Recently, the Department of Commerce released a Strategic Vision on AI Safety, stating that, “The U.S. AI Safety Institute will focus on three key goals: Advance the science of AI safety; Articulate, demonstrate, and disseminate the practices of AI safety; and Support institutions, communities, and coordination around AI safety.”
  • A Look at Kwaai’s Personal AI OS
    May 28, 2024
    by Dan Wilson
    In the latest episode of the AI Think Tank podcast, I had the privilege of hosting Toby Morning and Karsten Wade from Kwaai. These two trailblazers are at the forefront of a nonprofit initiative dedicated to democratizing AI through the development of a Personal AI Operating System (pAIOS). Our discussion spanned various topics, from the origins of Kwaai to the technical intricacies of pAIOS, providing a comprehensive insight into their groundbreaking work. This article delves into the key points and takeaways from our enlightening conversation.
  • Becoming an AI Utility Function Exercise – Part 2
    May 26, 2024
    by Bill Schmarzo
    The media, including movies, have made AI conversations confusing and overly emotional. I propose a simple exercise for middle and high school students to provide hands-on training in understanding how an AI model works and the vital role of the AI Utility Function. The exercise will focus on something we do nearly every day: deciding where to dine. We will follow a four-step process to define, create, and execute our “Dining Recommendation” AI Utility Function.


  • Enhancing data lineage and metadata management in ELT pipelines
    May 28, 2024
    by Ovais Naseem
    ELT pipelines facilitate the seamless movement of data from source systems to target destinations, enabling transformation and analysis along the way. However, as data traverses through these pipelines, maintaining visibility into its lineage and managing metadata becomes paramount for ensuring data quality, compliance, and governance.
  • Contextualize your business data with content orchestration techniques
    May 23, 2024
    by Alan Morrison
    One of the major issues enterprises have is tapping into business information that’s trapped in many different siloed applications. Customer data platforms (CDPs) are supposed to unify structured data about customers from a number of these siloed applications and make that information accessible to a broad range of users. But what about content? Textual content because it behaves differently in digital form is disconnected from images and video, which are in turn disconnected from customer transactional data.
  • Cognitive robotics – Part one
    May 22, 2024
    by Ajit Jaokar
    In this three-part series, we will explore cognitive robotics – a fascinating subject that promises to play a major role in the evolution of AI. Cognitive robotics lies at the intersection of robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and cognitive science, aiming to create intelligent systems that mimic human cognitive processes.
  • Data management demand in digital twin-oriented intensive care units
    May 22, 2024
    by Alan Morrison
    One of the more telling exhibits at April’s NTT Upgrade 2024 event in San Francisco was the Autonomous Closed-loop Intervention System (ACIS) in development at NTT Research’s Medical & Health Informatics Lab (MEI). The ACIS concept underscores how hospitals can embrace a systems-level automation initiative starting with the intensive care unit to create a patient-centric, personalized, continually updated data management environment that can radically boost patient outcomes.
  • DSC Weekly 21 May 2024
    May 21, 2024
    by Scott Thompson
    Read more of the top articles from the Data Science Central community.