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DSC Weekly 27 August 2024


  • The customer experience is vital to company success. Artificial intelligence and other evolving technologies can enhance the customer journey: The call center continues to be a hub for customer service and support, and companies can now expand its impact with new technology to better serve and retain its customers. Businesses must ensure they properly integrate these technologies to reap the full benefits, however. Done correctly, utilizing these emerging technologies will not only help to target the right crowd but keep them coming back as returning customers. Tune into the Elevating Customer Experiences to Create Impact summit to hear leading experts in the field discuss how AI and other emerging technologies will impact the customer experience, along with proven strategies to enhance and streamline customer service.
  • The growing demand for low code and no code technology is a by-product of digital transformation: With the growth of applications, companies are seeking a way to build and release them in a more timely and cost-efficient manner as well as to further “democratize” web development. Resistance towards low code/no code was driven from concerns that developers would be limited in their ability to innovate within the platform and its upkeep would further interfere with developer tasks. Based on the current market, it appears those concerns are withering away: Gartner projects the market to grow to a whopping $12.3 billion in 2024. Join the Breaking Barriers with Low Code/No Code summit to hear experts discuss how companies can leverage low code/no code solutions with artificial intelligence and machine learning to simplify business processes and increase productivity.

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