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DSC Weekly 2 May 2023 – Big tech must weigh AI’s risks vs. rewards


  • In addition to ever-increasing volumes of data, storage needs have evolved due to increases in remote work, the use of cloud services, and cybersecurity concerns such as ransomware. In Modern Storage Management summit, learn from top industry experts and solution providers about the latest ways to effectively manage the flood of enterprise data. You’ll hear about the various forms of cloud storage and how they can benefit your storage strategy, new trends in data backup, and how to ensure security and data protection are always a priority.
  • Automation helps companies keep on top of ever-growing workloads, cut costs and free workers from manual, tedious tasks. The automation market continues to advance to better address the increasing demands companies face. Tune into The Growth of Automation summit to hear leading experts discuss how AI, machine learning and other technologies can expand automation to provide further benefits, as well as the latest technologies to help successfully automate workflows.

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Big tech must weigh AI’s risks vs. rewards

In an interview with the New York Times, Hinton noted the pace of AI advancement is far beyond what he and other tech experts predicted. Hinton said that Google acted very responsibly while he worked on its AI development efforts. His concerns are due to AI’s rapid advancement, and its potential nefarious use if it fell into the wrong hands.

Big consultancies predict the annual AI market could be in the trillions of dollars by the 2030s, Data Science Central contributor Alan Morrison notes in his article this week. It seems well on its way: After ChatGPT launched in late 2022, tech companies large and small deployed similar AI tools designed to engage customers, conduct research and develop business plans.

As these AI tools continue to advance (and make tons of money), it will be difficult for companies to slow AI research and advancement to offset risk. Balancing this risk vs. reward will be key, and require cooperation between lawmakers, the tech industry and the general public — no small task.

Speaking of initiatives that require cooperation from large swaths of society, we wanted to announce the launch of TechTarget’s Sustainability and ESG site. The site provides information for business leaders who are optimizing technology for sustainability purposes. As Sustainability and ESG editor Diann Daniel notes in her introductory article, AI, analytics, virtual reality, and many more technologies will factor into organizations’ sustainability efforts. Visit the Sustainability and ESG site to understand which technologies help and which end up doing more harm.

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DSC Weekly 2 May 2023 – Big tech must weigh AI’s risks vs. rewards