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DSC Webinar Series: Mapping Challenges for Self-Service Analytics

  • Sean Welch 

There are many tools designed to make mapping easy for anyone who wants to explore, analyze, and communicate the spatial patterns in their data.  In designing these tools, users experience both the benefits and limitations of systems that are designed to be easy to use and general-purpose, rather than the more complex systems that can be custom designed for any specific user’s need. 

In this latest Data Science Central webinar, Research Scientist Sarah Battersby will address some of the technical design and analytics challenges such as technical base map data, map projections, and distortion.  She will also discuss the broader challenges of how people think about maps and how/why these maps will always be just a little bit—or maybe a lot—wrong. Attend and learn how to help people visualize and use spatial information more effectively.

Sarah Battersby, Research Scientist – Tableau

Hosted by: 
Sean Welch, Host and Producer – Data Science Central
