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Cloud, Cost and Containers three C's in Cloud-Computing in post-COVID


The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown organizations into disarray—the increased usage of conferencing and collaboration services by employees working from home strains back-end support services. 

And growing traffic on networks connecting users to these services. Only providers with a robust and ample infrastructure that can maintain a consistent client experience will handle the growing demand.

Cloud companies frequently confront questions about their business continuity plans. They must determine whether their public cloud model is sufficiently adaptable and robust to manage rising demand and whether they can continue to provide services. 

They must show that the underlying infrastructure is reliable enough to enable continuing access to public cloud services. And that the network architecture can accommodate rising traffic volumes.

Cloud providers can alleviate customers’ fears by demonstrating their ability to manage increased remote work by stress-testing their data centers, networks, and services and alerting customers of the results. 

Technology advances quickly, and enterprises must use it to change their existing infrastructure to keep up. Traditional systems are slower to upgrade than cloud-based designs, making it more difficult for manufacturers to keep up with new advances.

Most firms use cloud-based supply chain solutions because they are easier to monitor and scale based on demand and forecasts.


The way public and private organizations use information technology is changing thanks to cloud computing services. Today, a wide range of cloud computing services are available to meet practically any IT needs. 

With every firm today moving to the cloud, it’s critical to understand the various cloud computing services. Although there is different cloud computing services, they all have a few essential traits and benefits in common and may divide into four categories. 

With these four types of cloud computing services, businesses of all sizes may take their operations to the cloud.

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 

Hardware devices are provided by an external provider and controlled for you at the lower end of managed cloud computing services. Users can utilize IaaS to access computer resources like networking, processing power, and data storage.

IaaS allows users to access computing power or virtual machines without investing in expensive hardware or operating servers. The hardware resources physically source from many networks and servers spread across multiple data centres, all controlled and maintained by the cloud service provider.

For example, suppose a user wants to access a Linux system. In that case, he can do so using IaaS without worrying about the networking or physical system of the machine on which Linux is installed.

Customers who wish to construct cost-effective and highly scalable IT solutions can use IaaS to offload the costs and hassles of managing hardware resources to a service provider. Users are liable for installing and maintaining databases, operating systems, applications, and security components. 

However, most IaaS packages include servers, networking, storage, and virtualization components.

2. Platform as a Service (PaaS) 

This upgraded version of IaaS is a cloud computing service. PaaS provides the computing platform and solution stack as a service in addition to the IT infrastructure. 

PaaS is a cloud computing that gives a platform for developers to use when creating custom apps. Platform as a Service (PaaS) permits software developers to create unique apps online without worrying about data storage, serving, or management.

PaaS makes software development simple even for non-experts by allowing anyone to create an application using only a web browser and single click functionality. 

Users do not need to upgrade or update their infrastructure because the PaaS provider takes care of all patching, upgrades, and routine software maintenance.

PaaS allows developers in multiple places to collaborate on the same application build, allowing for location freedom. SAP is an example of this where there is no need to invest in physical infrastructure or the expertise required to run it. 

The option to rent virtual IT infrastructure saves users a significant amount of money.

3. Software as a Service (SaaS)  

It is a unique cloud computing service that combines both IaaS and PaaS capabilities. SaaS is a cloud computing service that offers application-level services suited to specific company needs, including business analytics, CRM, and marketing automation. 

SaaS is a cloud computing service that allows customers with on-demand access to web-based software applications. SaaS providers offer a fully functional program with a browser-based interface that consumers can access via the Internet.

Because the applications run on the vendor’s systems, SaaS allows the cloud for software architecture, minimizing the overhead of support, maintenance, and operations.

SaaS is a subscription-based service in which users pay for software monthly rather than acquiring it outright. Therefore there are no upfront fees. It also allows users to cancel their subscriptions when they are no longer required.

4. Functions as a Service (FaaS) 

Before we can comprehend Functions as a Service, we must first understand the most commonly used technical term related to FaaS: serverless computing. 

Serverless computing is a cloud computing approach that removes developers’ responsibility for low-level infrastructure decisions and server maintenance. 

The cloud service provider handles the allocation of resources, so the application architect does not have to worry about it.

FaaS is a comparatively new cloud computing service that has already been shown to be a game-changer for many enterprises. It’s a serverless computing idea that allows software developers to create apps and deliver particular “functions,” business logic, or actions without maintaining a server. 

It improves efficiency because developers don’t have to worry about server operations because they’re hosted elsewhere.

  • Multi-Cloud Model

In some circumstances, a single public cloud is insufficient to cover a company’s computing requirements. Multi-clouds, a more complicated hybrid cloud scenario that mixes a private cloud with numerous public cloud services is what they turn to instead. 

While a hybrid cloud always has a public and private cloud, a multi-cloud setup might vary depending on the situation. In this scenario, an organization’s IT infrastructure comprises several public clouds from various providers. 

It may access via a single software-defined network. Although a private cloud can use in a multi-cloud architecture, it is typically more insulated from its public cloud counterparts.

Versatility and specialization are the goals of a multi-cloud model. In large corporations, for example, not every department has the exact cloud requirements. 

A marketing department, for example, requires cloud computing tools that are distinct from those needed for a research or human resources department.

Multi-cloud approaches also provide peace of mind because they do not bind businesses to a single cloud provider. In the long run, this can reduce expenses and boost flexibility while also preventing vendor lock-in. 

When combined with private cloud assets, multi-cloud deployments allow enterprises to achieve many goals simultaneously without extending or shrinking their existing infrastructure significantly.


Businesses are increasingly looking for a variable-cost approach for their core computing, storage, and networking requirements. 

Variable cloud options with pay-as-you-go billing models have been the most popular. This desire for opex over capex solutions has only grown as a result of the epidemic.

According to PwC, nearly 75% of finance executives indicated they were planning for a more flexible and cost-effective corporate environment, with 83% of CFOs seeking to cut capital expenditures.


Organizations have embraced a variety of cloud computing advancements in recent years, including virtualization and containerization. 

Containerization has supplanted traditional virtual machine management as the primary requirement for running workloads across physical machines and numerous cloud environments. Containers, virtual machines, ancient workloads, and new apps are all managed using these trends.

Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) and Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) have aided by virtualizing workstations and offering essential mobility and flexibility with cost-effective solutions. 

According to Spiceworks, 32% of firms have implemented VDI, with another 12% planning. VDI use by 50% of large businesses and 24% of small businesses.


Every business can profit from one or more cloud computing services because they increase efficiency and lower expenses. 

Companies can use one or several cloud computing services depending on their needs, areas of expertise, business procedures, and other objectives. 

When selecting a cloud computing service provider, one of the most important factors to consider is conducting sufficient research to understand company goals and identifying providers who can deliver required cloud solutions that precisely meet those criteria.

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