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Cloud Adoption: Myths Enterprises Must Steer Clear Of

Given the rapid pace at which technology around has evolved, there are a lot of changes that companies these days must embrace. Perhaps the most significant, as well as the crucial difference in the context of technologies for business, is the move to the cloud. Yes, companies all over the world are moving their data along with their entire IT operations to the cloud, but why? More than a few reasons come to mind, starting with the most rudimentary benefits: Digital transformation. Cloud technology has not only made it easier for companies to embrace this change but accelerated the pace at which they do it.


Other benefits of cloud adoption include enhanced operational efficiency, avoid the disadvantage of dealing with old hardware, modernize the company’s apps, and so much more. However, an increasing number of companies are struggling to realize these benefits of moving to the cloud owing to the myths associated with it. But for any entity that is hoping to successfully achieve the benefits of cloud adoption, it must first understand what these myths are and then work to ensure that it doesn’t fall victim to them. And to help you do just that, listed below are some of the most common cloud adoption myths that you should definitely steer clear of.

  1. Cloud lacks security: Unlike what a lot of people believe, the security of a cloud is at least at par with that of a conventional data center. First, any updates are deployed much more quickly in the cloud than they are in an on-premises setup. And then there’s also the fact that cloud security is also subjected to regulations and formal government policies, thus making them that much safer.
  2. Cloud doesn’t need a proper plan: Just as in business, in general, you need to dedicatedly strategize the big moves; the same holds true for cloud adoption as well. Just because you are convinced that cloud is a terrific solution, doesn’t mean you can dive into it headfirst. So, put together a plan to make sure that everything is in sync with the business’ goals. It will also help you make crucial decisions about things like what sort of storage, apps, or other tangential solutions you will need.
  3. Cloud is simply a data center solution: Again, this statement couldn’t be any further away from the truth. You see that even though a majority of companies have started endeavors to adapt to the requirements of today’s digital age, they still seem to be grappling with one issue or another. To help deal with that, the cloud provides access to means and solutions to help companies do it much more quickly than before.

Much like the technology in general, the cloud ecosystem too will continue to evolve at a staggering pace. However, if one’s approach is based on logic and fact-based strategies, they will have no problem adapting to this change. To cut a long story short, before you engage enterprise application development services, be sure to have a plan for cloud adoption and everything else that goes with it.

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