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Internet of Things

The IoT, or Internet of Things, rubric explores sensors, actuators, relays and the devices that make use of them. This includes IoT communication protocols, querying of state between systems and notifications of state changes in IoT devices that range from cameras to drone systems to toasters.

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Cloud Computing Services, Features and Benefits

  • Dinesh B 

Cloud computing services have grown in popularity significantly over the years. Many sectors are moving to cloud computing services for business operations. Cloud computing enables businesses to store, manage, and process essential data using remote servers hosted on the internet.

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An Overview of Top Trends in Accounting

  • KathieAdams 

The role of technology in accounting is rapidly changing the face of this field in many ways. From chatbots to actively handling the management accountants, from facing the enhanced regulations and demands from clients to well-management of time-consumed works, day-to-day tasks and processes of accounting the machines can do or streamline will help the professionals speed up their work.


Drone-based IoT Connect Smart Islands

  • ajitjaokar 

As an application domain for IoT, smart cities initially showed promise but have struggled over the last decade. However, Smart islands (instead of smart cities) may be good for the success of the Internet of Things.

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