DSC Weekly 22 Nov 2022: Destruction of the Commons
I’ve remarked more than once that the life cycle of social media platforms shares more than a passing resemblance to the evolution of stars.
As social media has become the primary expression of global communication, it is increasingly tied into communities of interest, search, ad personalization, large-scale graphs, sentiment analysis, and related data science fields.
I’ve remarked more than once that the life cycle of social media platforms shares more than a passing resemblance to the evolution of stars.
Despite the negativity surrounding social media lately, it’s still an incredibly powerful tool that can be used for good, and any social media strategy should consider this technology’s intrinsic benefits. Here are 15 reasons to keep using social media:
Individuals’ online opinions published on social media channels, forums, and media publishing sites have become a substantial source to measure the credibility of businesses, institutions, commercial ventures, polls & political agendas, etc.
Data science assists SEO experts in countless ways, like personalizing the customer experience, understanding client requirements, and many other things.
One of the most important jobs in computer vision is image annotation. Computer vision essentially aims to give machine eyes — the capacity to perceive and comprehend the world — through various applications.
Ecommerce is a cutthroat industry, and it’s only getting more competitive.
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Cos Leveraging Machine Learning Models in Social Media Platforms: What Motivates Social Media Marketers? The intersections of marketing with artificial intelligence (AI) technology have opened… Read More »Artificial Intelligence in Social Media Enriches Marketing ROI
A rise in netizens and social media platforms, coupled with the growth of the mobile internet, has resulted in a jump in the creation and… Read More »Social Media, Cyber Bullying, and Need For Content Moderation