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AI and Science

This rubric explores in depth new and critical developments in the scientific arena that rely heavily upon data analytics and data science, from advancements that benefit archeology and geology to the spread of language and cultural patterns.


Farmer inspects barley and uses agricultural technology to analyze data via tablet Concept of smart agriculture and modern technology, pictogram icon

Precision agriculture powered by AI for climate-resilient crops

AI in Agriculture Precision Farming AI-Powered Agriculture Climate-Resilient Crops
Sustainable Farming Practices AI for Pest Control AI for Soil Analysis Machine Learning in Agriculture Smart Farming Solutions IoT in Agriculture Crop Monitoring with AI
Predictive Analytics in Farming AI for Weather Prediction in Agriculture
AI-Driven Precision Irrigation AI in Fertilization Optimization Sustainable Agriculture Technology Advanced Farming Techniques Agriculture Data Analysis with AI
AI-Powered Smart Irrigation Agricultural Innovation with AI

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