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Green data center • Green energy data servers

Making Data Centers More Sustainable

  • Rob Johnson 

An even more significant challenge involves meeting the electrical demands of coming HPC systems and data centers in a sustainable way. Some exascale systems already have energy requirements akin to an entire town.

Gas plant flaring at a gas terminal

Capturing Methane

  • Osama Rizvi 

Europe is facing one of the worst droughts in recent history. More than 60 percent of the EU and UK are trying to fight this climatic event, the effects of which are far-reaching.

Motion graphic of digital world connect big data

An Invisible Thread Connects the World

  • Osama Rizvi 

The effects have reverberated from politics to the military and even economics to energy. Not to mention that the daily life of hundreds of millions have to be impacted. There are multiple dimensions to what is eventuating in recent times. This multi-dimensionality has led to dissonance and confusion in the policy-making ranks of governments and organizations as the world becomes too complex.

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