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Digital Disruption

Articles in this rubric examine the implications of how evolving technologies and issues such as climate change, pandemics and unreliable power can be managed by companies.

Machine Automation on a par with Human Labor

DSC Weekly 20 Sept 2022 – Where Have All The Workers Gone?

  • Kurt Cagle 

n many respects, we are facing not the need for a new form of money but rather a new form of economics – a discipline about the world where scarcity still holds in physical materials but where overabundance is the rule in virtual ones. To me, this is one of the key tenets that need to be hammered out in the metaverse: How do the actual creators of the virtual worlds, and not just the hosts, get paid for their work?

Machine Automation on a par with Human Labor

DSC Weekly 13 Sept 2022 – The Automation Balance

  • Kurt Cagle 

n many respects, we are facing not the need for a new form of money but rather a new form of economics – a discipline about the world where scarcity still holds in physical materials but where overabundance is the rule in virtual ones. To me, this is one of the key tenets that need to be hammered out in the metaverse: How do the actual creators of the virtual worlds, and not just the hosts, get paid for their work?

Back view of hacker in hoodie. Dangerous hooded hacker. Internet

Lack of Trust Continues to Erode Blockchain Adoption

  • Nikita Godse 

Blockchain technology has outgrown from being distributed ledger in financial applications to peer‐to‐peer networks that hold tremendous value in any industry and sector. Bewildering as the growth has been, organizations are engineering their blockchain.

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