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Business Analytics

The use of analysis, statistics and related data science tools have become essential to understand and predict business processes and trends. These areas can be considered a high-level analog to Data Science.

Businessman works with financial data

How Data Visualization is Essential for the Banking and Finance Sector

Representation of data using graphics such as charts, plots, infographics, heat maps, bubble clouds, scatter plots, mekko charts, animation, etc., is termed data visualization. Such visual displays and representation of information help communicate complex data relationships and data-driven insights in a way that makes it easy to understand and base decisions on.

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Project Management Data Analytics: Benefits and Practices

Advanced data analytics is a driving power nowadays, covering various human activities and giving businesses worthy insights. Having enough analytical data about your enterprise, employees’ and customers’ satisfaction, finances, and more, project managers can contribute significantly to decision-making, business growth, and overall business prosperity.

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How to Win an Election Using Big Data

  • Bill Schmarzo 

Before World War II, less than 20% of voters classified themselves as independents.  Today that number is greater than 45%.As politics fails to appeal to more Americans, politicians will need to embrace a different approach to appeal to those important independent “swing” voters who will decide our political leaders.


How to Make Black-box Systems more Transparent

This article is intended to users relying on machine learning solutions offered by third party vendors. It applies to platforms, dashboards, traditional software, or even external pieces of code that are too time consuming to modify. One of the goals is to turn such systems into explainable AI.

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