

Businessman works with financial data

How Data Visualization is Essential for the Banking and Finance Sector

Representation of data using graphics such as charts, plots, infographics, heat maps, bubble clouds, scatter plots, mekko charts, animation, etc., is termed data visualization. Such visual displays and representation of information help communicate complex data relationships and data-driven insights in a way that makes it easy to understand and base decisions on.


Drone-based IoT Connect Smart Islands

  • ajitjaokar 

As an application domain for IoT, smart cities initially showed promise but have struggled over the last decade. However, Smart islands (instead of smart cities) may be good for the success of the Internet of Things.

Ukrainian soldier. Ukrainian in army. Ukrainian flag on military

Ukrainian Success Through the Lens of Agile

The world is watching the war Russia is waging against the Ukrainians. Most of it applauds how the Ukrainians adapt to a rapidly evolving environment and occasionally prevail.  This article describes how the Ukrainian’s agility serves them quite well in the conflict.

Funny portrait of a mad geek scientist who like Einstein thinkin

Data Management as a Business Discipline – Part 3: Enabling Frameworks

  • Bill Schmarzo 

A Business Discipline consists of systematic research, observation, measurement, and experimentation resulting in the assimilation of learnings into laws, theorems, concepts, principles, practices, frameworks, and formulas to enable the consistent application and ongoing enhancements from the real-world application of that discipline.


What is trustable data? Why do you need it?

  • Edwin Walker 

Trustable data can be defined as data that comes from specific and trusted sources and is used according to its intended use. It is delivered in the appropriate format and time frames for specific users.

Robot Stocks Trader

How to Use Algorithmic Trading Bots

  • Rumzz Bajwa 

An algorithmic trading technique is a type of financial transaction that uses pre-designed trading guidelines to perform orders. It is commonly utilized to trade against human brokers. This type of trading utilizes a PC’s computing power and speed to achieve its goals.

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