

Businessman using tablet analyzing sales data and economic growt

How Businesses can boost Revenue Using Blockchain Technology

  • KathieAdams 

Blockchain is a method for storing data that makes it harder to hack the system. The business blockchain is a distributed, encrypted database that its authorized users can only alter. Users have a complete say over how other users view data and what actions can be taken by other users within the network.

Customer pay by smart watch

How RFID Technology is Applied in Banks and Financial Institutions

  • Manoj Kumar 

Banks and financial institutions offer great value and convenience to their end users. However, they are notorious for being susceptible to fraudulent attacks such as credit card identity theft. A lot has been done in adding layers of security to an individual’s banking experience.

Stock market or forex trading graph and candlestick chart suitab

An Overview of Top Trends in Accounting

  • KathieAdams 

The role of technology in accounting is rapidly changing the face of this field in many ways. From chatbots to actively handling the management accountants, from facing the enhanced regulations and demands from clients to well-management of time-consumed works, day-to-day tasks and processes of accounting the machines can do or streamline will help the professionals speed up their work.

Hand using smartphone with Social media concept.

15 Reasons to Keep Using Social Media

  • Karen Anthony 

Despite the negativity surrounding social media lately, it’s still an incredibly powerful tool that can be used for good, and any social media strategy should consider this technology’s intrinsic benefits. Here are 15 reasons to keep using social media:

Businessman works with financial data

How Data Visualization is Essential for the Banking and Finance Sector

Representation of data using graphics such as charts, plots, infographics, heat maps, bubble clouds, scatter plots, mekko charts, animation, etc., is termed data visualization. Such visual displays and representation of information help communicate complex data relationships and data-driven insights in a way that makes it easy to understand and base decisions on.

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