

Young DJs make a party at home with vinyl records

Digital Age Kool Kids Klub:  Chief Data Officers and Chief Economists

  • Bill Schmarzo 

Do you remember those high school days when there was always this one cliché to which all the “kool” kids belonged?  The “Kool Kids Klub” members held the best parties, got the best dates, got into the right colleges, got the right jobs, and married the right partners.  And they accomplished all this cool stuff right in front of everyone, yet no one could figure out what made them so cool.

Customer review satisfaction feedback survey concept, Customer c

DSC Weekly 15 Nov 2022 – The Dynamics of Ranked Voting

  • Kurt Cagle 

A Ranked Choice Voting system takes a different approach. In a Ranked Choice, candidates from any party (or no party) can stand for election. Voters rank their preferences, and the top three candidates then go onto a second election, where the top vote receiver wins the election. A referendum passed in this latest election cycle makes Nevada a Ranked Choice state, joining Alaska and Maine. Significantly, these states all have had a history of independent candidates.

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