


The Value of Real-Time Data Visualization and Interpretation

Data representation using graphics such as charts, plots, infographics, heat maps, bubble clouds, scatter plots, mekko charts are referred to as data visualization. Such visual displays and representations of information help communicate complex data relationships and data-driven insights in a way that makes it easy to understand and base decisions on.

Business woman ,computer

DSC Weekly 26 July 2022: When Meetings Become Searchable

  • Kurt Cagle 

A century from now, historians will remark on a transformation that seemed subtle at the time but will have huge ramifications over time. Specifically, 2020 will be seen as the year when meetings became transparent.

Abstract of christmas and bokeh light with glitter background

Sparql Secrets In Jena-Fuseki

  • Kurt Cagle 

Jena has long been seen as one of the most current reference implementations of such knowledge engines to date.

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