How to build your data quality team
As the adage goes, a workman is only as good as his tools. There is no disputing that, but you can never overlook the power… Read More »How to build your data quality team
As the adage goes, a workman is only as good as his tools. There is no disputing that, but you can never overlook the power… Read More »How to build your data quality team
Cloud computing is a great euphemism for centralization of computer services under one server. – Evgeny Morozov Accounting, also popularly known as bookkeeping, is a… Read More »How Accounting Is Moving to the Cloud
Why do data centers need regular cleaning? Structural components of the data center, like stringers, rack struts, and floor tiles, are electroplated with several metals, especially Zinc. Delicate filament of zinc metals squeeze out minor issues into the surface and thus form zinc whiskers, which can severely damage the functioning of IT equipment.
Text annotations provide models with a better understanding of the data they are given, allowing them to interpret the text more accurately.
What is data transformation? Simply put, data standardization is the process of transforming data values from an incorrect format to a correct one.
n many respects, we are facing not the need for a new form of money but rather a new form of economics – a discipline about the world where scarcity still holds in physical materials but where overabundance is the rule in virtual ones. To me, this is one of the key tenets that need to be hammered out in the metaverse: How do the actual creators of the virtual worlds, and not just the hosts, get paid for their work?
The COVID-19 pandemic remains fresh in our memories as it affected many aspects of our lives. Cyberspace is no exception. With the imperative need to stay safe, individuals had to create alternate methods to work, school, communicate and access services. However, this period also saw cybercriminals double their efforts to exploit the situation.
Blockchain is a sophisticated technology. It uses cryptography extensively to secure records and build a tamper-proof network, wherein records can’t be altered unless validated by a majority of participating parties on the network.
Data accuracy is the biggest challenge many businesses encounter in their quest to cleanse data. Having accurate data is the foundation of the usefulness of data in all its stages of use.
One of the most important jobs in computer vision is image annotation. Computer vision essentially aims to give machine eyes — the capacity to perceive and comprehend the world — through various applications.