

Machine Learning object detection and artificial intelligence co

Image Annotation Overview 2022

One of the most important jobs in computer vision is image annotation. Computer vision essentially aims to give machine eyes — the capacity to perceive and comprehend the world — through various applications.

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Project Management Data Analytics: Benefits and Practices

Advanced data analytics is a driving power nowadays, covering various human activities and giving businesses worthy insights. Having enough analytical data about your enterprise, employees’ and customers’ satisfaction, finances, and more, project managers can contribute significantly to decision-making, business growth, and overall business prosperity.

Global logistic or world of logistic concept.  Businessman or ma

Automation of Ports – Global Supply Chains

  • Osama Rizvi 

International trade grew to a record $28.5 trillion in 2021, according to an estimate by UNCTAD – a 25 percent increase from 2020. Recently, Covid-19 Stop-and-Go maneuvers have highlighted the difficulties that modern ports face. It includes handling an overwhelming amount of goods, their corresponding paperwork, and other administrative tasks, congestion, delays, no coordination between terminal operators, and most importantly, the dependency on manpower. In addition to these, environmental issues have taken the front seat.

IoT Internet of Things, Ai Artificial Intelligence, softeare tec

How AI/ML will Impact iOS App Development in 2023

  • Ahana Pearl 

Artificial intelligence has gained huge popularity in the last few years, with its application surging across every business sector. AI has impressively gained massive acceptance in the mobile tech world by bringing diverse facilities to our fingertips.


Art and AI: The Line Blurs Further

  • ajitjaokar 

Let’s look at this story in more detail because in my view, it shows something much more fundamental which is often overlooked. In my view, the future of all jobs will be in collaborating with AI !

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How to Win an Election Using Big Data

  • Bill Schmarzo 

Before World War II, less than 20% of voters classified themselves as independents.  Today that number is greater than 45%.As politics fails to appeal to more Americans, politicians will need to embrace a different approach to appeal to those important independent “swing” voters who will decide our political leaders.

Professional male mover in overalls makes notes on clipboard while standing near cardboard boxes.

How Automation is Changing Freight Bill of Lading Data Entry

  • Manoj Kumar 

For those not involved in shipping, freight billing is the process of providing an invoice that includes information concerning the transportation of a company’s goods from one place to the other. It also contains the number of charges, due dates, weight, complete goods description, and contact information, as well as names of both the receiver and the shipper, freight rates, assessorial charges, etc. These are tedious and error prone tasks. Hence, a need of automation in freight bills is required

hacking process with hacker and computers

Plagiarism in Scientific Research and How to Prevent it

  • Edward Nick 

In scientific research, plagiarism used to be a big problem. Before the advent of free and accessible plagiarism detection tools, people would actually steal the work of their peers and publish it in their name.

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