

Difficult project

Point – Counterpoint on Why Organizations Suck at AI

  • Bill Schmarzo 

I love this infographic recently floating around LinkedIn.  Sorry, don’t know to whom to give credit, but it does provide an interesting depiction of how senior management thinks AI works and the realities of what’s required to make AI work.


DSC Weekly 27 Sept 2022 – Corpus Wars

  • Kurt Cagle 

n many respects, we are facing not the need for a new form of money but rather a new form of economics – a discipline about the world where scarcity still holds in physical materials but where overabundance is the rule in virtual ones. To me, this is one of the key tenets that need to be hammered out in the metaverse: How do the actual creators of the virtual worlds, and not just the hosts, get paid for their work?

hacker coding at night cybersecurity concept

9 Ways IT Can Do Proactive Cybersecurity

  • Anas Baig 

By taking a proactive approach to cybersecurity, IT departments can help protect their organizations from the ever-growing number of cyber attacks. Here are nine ways IT departments can do proactive cybersecurity.

Machine Automation on a par with Human Labor

DSC Weekly 20 Sept 2022 – Where Have All The Workers Gone?

  • Kurt Cagle 

n many respects, we are facing not the need for a new form of money but rather a new form of economics – a discipline about the world where scarcity still holds in physical materials but where overabundance is the rule in virtual ones. To me, this is one of the key tenets that need to be hammered out in the metaverse: How do the actual creators of the virtual worlds, and not just the hosts, get paid for their work?

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