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DSC Weekly 13 August 2024

  • Scott Thompson 


  • As organizations pursue cloud initiatives to support digital transformation, multi-cloud strategies have grown in popularity. However, many organizations have experienced challenges as they scale multi-cloud projects, including difficulties interconnecting disparate platforms, optimizing costs and establishing visibility across various cloud environments. Register for The Power of Multi-Cloud summit for insights from industry experts and solution providers to help navigate the complexities of multi-cloud initiatives and fully leverage its benefits.
  • Financial companies are increasingly tapping into AI-as-a-service, edge computing, and data analytics to shape the industry’s future. These technologies are revolutionizing finance teams while enhancing innovation, performance and decision-making. Join industry experts and CFOs at the upcoming Transforming Finance in the Cloud Era summit for advice on leveraging analytics, PaaS, digital ERP systems and more to optimize accounting and accelerate digital transformation.

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    by Bill Schmarzo
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  • Machine learning data catalogs for business management
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    by Jason Guarracino
    A machine learning (ML) data catalog is a system that leverages machine learning and metadata to automate data management processes. It minimizes manual effort and enhances data accuracy through automated models. If you’re looking to understand ML data catalogs, we’ll cover it here.   What is a machine learning data catalog?
  • AI alignment in the dimensionality of machine intelligence
    August 12, 2024
    by David Stephen
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  • How machine learning helps hospitals fight medical identity theft
    August 12, 2024
    by Zachary Amos
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  • How to scale your tech revenue with AI
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    by Pritesh Patel
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  • 6 ways generative AI is helping startups to build their online presence
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    by Edward Nick
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    Read more of the top articles from the Data Science Central community.

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