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DSC Webinar Series: Getting Data Down to a Science – Code-free and Code-friendly Machine Learning

  • Sean Welch 

Data Science helps answer some of the most basic – and the most complex – business questions. In this latest Data Science Central webinar you will learn how to get data down to a science with code-free and code-friendly self-service analytics platforms.  Decisive Data’s Lead Data Scientist Tessa Jones will use a sample data set from a global corporation to answer some of the most common data science questions applicable across businesses.


Learn how to use code-free and code-friendly Machine Learning:

Dive – Swim in the data and dive into a few common business questions with answers in data science including demand forecasting and customer segmentation.
Build – Walk through two data science models including code-free time series and clustering machine learning models.
Customize – Implement custom R code into models.
Refine – Enhance your methods with rapid self-service techniques.
Display – Creatively display information visually in Tableau and tell a story that makes the findings clear and captivating using the Art + Data methodology.
Tell your data story and discover the real possibilities with available actionable data science techniques.

Tessa Jones, Lead Data Scientist — Decisive Data
Scott Trauthen, Director of Marketing — Alteryx

Hosted by: 
Bill Vorhies, Editorial Director — Data Science Central
