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The modern information society has rightly considered the internet its backbone. It is the core. Globally, internet penetration has crossed 59.5%. All of this point at the inevitable necessity of web apps and the corresponding standards of web development being expected. Today€™s business landscape has a crucial digital paradigm that cannot be left unplumbed. Let us take a look at some stats about internet usage.

  • Globally, there are 66 billion active internet users
  • This includes 32 billion mobile internet users
  • There are over 2 billion websites globally.

That proves that there is no doubt about the penetration, popularity, and parity enjoyed by online activities when compared to its offline counterparts. In this discussion, we will be touching upon the latest web development trends to pop up in 2021. Any consumer facing technology demands to be chiseled down by trends to make and actual market impact. This drives adoption. This also helps the business to stay relevant and competitive in this dynamic landscape.



The PWA market is set to reach $10.77 Billion by 2027. The CAGR expected from the market is 31.9% from 2019 to 2027. PWAs enjoy 36% higher conversion rates when compared to native apps. It also ensures 50% higher customer engagement as well as 10X increased page load speed. Additionally, the maintenance expenditure is reduced by 33%. The rising trend of 2021 is developing PWAs using HTML, CSS, JS, React, or Angular.


With over 3 Billion mobile users worldwide, AMPs are set to be the norm. It already is the norm in most cases. There are over 2,500,000 live AMPs as of 2021. With the bulk of content available on the internet, the attention span of users and prospects are diminished significantly. Page load time matters a lot in 2021. Through AMPs, you can be assured that your users are getting blazing digital experiences while engaging with your brand.


This is a recent trend. It refers to JS centric web app that loads only a single page and keeps updating the information and data on the page as needed. This ensures dynamicity without loading the entire page. It is invaluable for the servers as well as it reduces load by consuming less space. As a result, SPAs are beneficial for both the developer and the user.


The serverless architecture market is expected to reach $21.1 Billion valuation by 2025. The CAGR expected to be exhibited by the market is 22.7%. In 2020, the market size was $7.6 Billion. This type of architecture runs on cloud and significantly reduces system overload, data loss, and development expenditure. It eliminates the necessity for provisioning, managing, and server upgrades. The serverless function is now being expanded to other applications such as chatbots, APIs, and IoT applications.


Native cybersecurity has been a cause for concern. Companies and businesses are vulnerable to attacks irrespective size. Unprecedented DDoS attacks can be a huge concern since it causes downtime and revenue loss. Application based MFA such as Google Authenticator, SOC, and patch management are seeing widespread adoption in the wake of this. The cybersecurity market was at the $156.24 Billion mark in 2020 and is expected to experience a CAGR of 14.5% from 2021 to 2026. By 2026, the market will reach $352.25 Billion.

That brings us to the end of this discussion. Web development needs to be addressed based on the trends with as much importance as with tech. User experience and customer delight are at the core of the trends that follow. Let us sum this up on that note.

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