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5 tasks You Can Automate in Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics

  • LauraJean 

 Investor analyzing stock market report and financial dashboard w
Business intelligence (BI) applications have been around for quite a while, and they’ve changed the manner in which companies measure and analyse data. Business customers can directly use rare data events and quickly obtain reports, dashboards, and representations, but many people are still working hard to accumulate special results that better choices may bring. For example, business customers still need to make inquiries and organize data to obtain appropriate responses and insights that are critical to operating the company. The complexity and powerful functions of big data make many companies consider which addresses should be inquired. Furthermore, business intelligence frameworks frequently produce such a lot of analysis and crude data that it’s hard to recognize the insights that will have a genuine effect.

 The use of AI (artificial intelligence) for business intelligence automation can solve these problems. For example, customers of SaaS products may need to recognize how their company has evolved compared to peers using similar products. Using AI for business intelligence can automate benchmark queries to discover appropriate responses in the data. Since all data can be reported confidentially, the benchmark analysis will be retained in accordance with the security policies of its customers.

 As an IT chief, you’ll need to know: What will it take to automate the intelligence of the present BI frameworks to benefit from big business Big Data? How might we convert the 70% of business clients that as of now don’t use business intelligence tools? Which automation functions are essential to enable business customers to consciously apply intelligence to the business (rather than acquiring and analysing data)? 


In this blog we will learn about 5 tasks, which can be automated in Business Intelligence and Analytics:

  1.     Auto-discover insights

Business intelligence tools should understand the query to be asked and quickly find valuable insights without the need for humans. Business intelligence can do this by automating the logic and interpretation of discovery. With the help of artificial intelligence in BI and the powerful functions of PCs, business intelligence programming can make full use of all the prospects in the data, not only what customers think or have the opportunity to do.


  1.     Automate the ranking of insights

At the point when you automate discovery, a lot more insights are uncovered. Google’s PageRank algorithm has the most suitable website pages, and relatively speaking, automated business intelligence programs can highlight the most important dynamic insights. In addition, BI with artificial intelligence can perceive the connexions between insights, making it easier for customers to analyse different insights at the same time.


  1.     Embedded Insights

With Business Intelligence and AI for automation, it is easy to connect insights with the applications used by business customers. At the point when insights are introduced at the purpose of-use, clients may never have to use a business intelligence tool straightforwardly. Through automation, business intelligence programming will become the driving force for another programming. Daily business measures become more efficient and productivity continues to increase. The administrator reduces the investment in business

intelligence tasks, and devotes more energy to solving the company’s decisions.

  1.     Extract Bias

When using business intelligence and AI, data will drive automation, and customers will no longer need to work manually to derive insights, reducing the margins of human error. Client errors can be caused by unilateral decisions, simplified suspicions, flawed observations, outdated opinions, negative behavior patterns, and sincere beliefs. The automation of artificial intelligence eliminates the aforementioned factors, thereby limiting the risk of losing data or being affected by bias in the results


  1.     Universal Accessibility

For what reason can’t finding insight in data analysis be as straightforward as utilizing Google search to discover a page on the web? With artificial intelligence, it very well maybe. When business intelligence is automated, every business customer can click a button and immediately get expert help from the BI platform that supports it as a decision support system. Subsequently, business customers will not need any preparation or data science skills to solve smart decisions.

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