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10 Great Data Science Articles by Bernard Marr

Bernard Marr is a best-selling business author, keynote speaker and consultant in big data, analytics and enterprise performance. As the founder and CEO of the Advanced Performance Institute he is one of the world’s most highly respected thought leaders anywhere when it comes to data in business. He regularly advises companies and government organisations on how to improve their performance and gain better insights from their data. 


Bernard is a frequent contributor to the World Economic Forum, writes for Forbes, is recognised by the CEO Journal as one of today’s leading business brains and by LinkedIn as one of the World’s top 5 business influencers. 

He has written a number of seminal books and over 500 reports and articles, including the international best-sellers ‘Big Data’​, ‘Key Performance Indicators’​, ‘The Intelligent Company’​ as well as some of the most respected research studies in the field. 

Below is a selection of his posts on Data Science Central over the last two years:

Enjoy the reading!

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